The Guide

March 2024

Returning in 2024, The Guide provides readers with an exclusive annual sourcing guide featuring hundreds of products. The Guide promises to a comprehensive, year-round resource for best-sellers in every category.

Additional Opportunities
  • Full-Page “Category Kicker”
  • Product Listings

Bonus: All products listed on in our highly-engaged Product Search tool. The Guide is reproduced in digital format and promoted on all digital platforms reaching website visitors, e-newsletter subscribers and social media followers across the entire Specialty Retail Group – Gift Shop® Plus and Stationery Trends, including Lawn & Garden Retailer. The Guide is also distributed at Summer shows/markets.

  • Mailed to high-volume retailers
  • Distributed at shows
  • Emailed to digital subscribers
  • Posted on the Gift Shop® Plus, Stationery Trends and Lawn & Garden Retailer websites
  • Total Reach: 55,000

Editorial Product Listing Deadline: 2/16/2024
Issue Space Deadline: 2/23/2024
Issue Materials Deadline: 2/23/2024

Mails in April 2024


 Product listing specs

Image Size: 3.18”w x 3.38”h and 300 dpi

Will accept product shots with no background or lifestyle shots. Lifestyle shots will be cropped according to size specifications. See examples listed below.


  • Company name
  • Product name
  • 25-word description
  • Company Website
  • Company Phone number

 Category kicker specs

Image: at least 8.125”w x 11”h and 300 dpi

Images will be cropped to fit 7.875”w x 10.75”h Must be lifestyle shot.


  • Company name
  • Product name
  • Company Website
  • Company Phone number

Contact Your Sales Representative to Learn More

Diane Hart
Integrated Media Consultant

Kim Sammartino
Integrated Media Consultant